

"I want you to fetch one of Master Gerald's prettiest pinafores!"

"At once, Madame," Josie said as she departed, her taffeta skirts sibilant.

Leslie cringed as he listened to this conversation, partly from dread of what the maid Josie might do to punish him, partly from the humiliation of having to wear a childish pinafore while Mrs. Smythe is in the house. She will surely tell Nancy all about it.

"A pinafore!" Mrs. Smythe exclaimed. "How perfectly sweet!"

"They are so practical in helping the poor child stay neat and tidy, darling," his aunt remarked.

Now she turned to Gerald, saying, "As soon as Josie has buttoned on your pinny, you may join us at tea, dear."

"Thank you, Aunty," he replied.

The pretty swish of Josie's uniform announced her return, and shortly afterward he found himself being arrayed in a stiffly starched, lavishly frilled pinafore.

Women and their scheming ways how Gerald hated the all! As Josie pinned the hateful garment around him, she whispered, "I'll attend to you later, you ungrateful child!" The tone of her voice portended a most unpleasant experience for him, that he knew, for Josie is capable of anything at all.

Gerald turns and minces slowly over to the ladies, who are quite charmed. BIMY,

what a becoming pinafore, Gerald," Mrs. Smythe said unctuously. "NOW fess up ... you really adore wearing it, don't you?" There was a teasing lilt in her voice.

With difficulty, Gerald stifled the retort which rose in his throat. Instead of telling her off like he wanted to, he meekly whispered, "Yes, Mrs. Smythe. "1

"You may sit there, Gerald dear, 18 his aunt said, pointing out another uncomfortable straight-backed chair.

"Thank you, Aunty."

Again, carefully arranging his rustling skirts under him, Gerald lowered himself gently on the chair, breathing a sigh of relief as his feet got some rest.